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[BK21 seminar] 27th Nov(Mon) Prof. Yongtae Kim(Georgia Institute of Technology) "Microfluidics in Nanomedicine - Acceler
게시글 내용
게시글 내용

Please give a lot of attention and participation from the members of the Mechanical Engineering department.

▣ TitleMicrofluidics in Nanomedicine - Accelerating the Clinical Translation

▣ SpeakerProf. Yongtae Kim

▣ AffiliationGeorgia Institute of Technology

Date: 2023. 11. 27.(Mon) 16:30

Venue제4공학관 D503호

Host: 정효일 교수

▣ Abstract

Nanomedicine is the medical application of nanotechnology for healthcare. Advanced treatment of major diseases such as cancer requires controlled targeted delivery of therapeutic nanomaterials. Despite the progress in the development of new nanomedicines, many cannot reach clinical trials. This challenge is partly due to the poor reproducibility in scale-up production of nanomaterials in the translation and partly due to the poor predictive validity of conventional in vitro screening platforms in the preclinical stage. To address these challenges, we develop microvortex reactors that enable large-scale, highly reproducible production of multicomponent therapeutic nanomaterials and engineer microphysiological systems or organs-on-chips that present cultured cells with controlled mechanical and biochemical cues with physiological relevance. This talk highlights our recent efforts toward (i) the development of a human blood-brain barrier on-a-chip model for understanding nanoparticle transport mechanisms and (ii) the application of apolipoprotein-based lipid nanoparticles for the treatment of brain tumors and Alzheimer’s disease. Our ultimate vision is to leverage these technological innovations to enable cost-effective identification of new therapeutic targets for fatal diseases including Alzheimer’s, brain tumors, and atherosclerosis.

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