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Overcoming Ion Hybrid Capacitor Limitations Review Study (2021.11.01)
게시글 내용

Overcoming Ion Hybrid Capacitor Limitations Review Study

Professor Seong Chan Jun's research team in the Department of Mechanical Engineering published a review paper on carbonaceous anode materials. Na and K ion hybrid capacitors, which are currently attracting attention for their low cost, high energy density and power density, and excellent stability, have limitations in slow reaction rate due to low reliability of the material used as anode. This research team reviewed the use of carbonaceous anode materials with high ion storage potential in capacitors to solve these limitations, and the results of this study were published in ACS Energy Letters (IF: 23.101) in recognition of their excellence.

The link: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/full/10.1021/acsenergylett.1c01855

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