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[대학원 세미나] 3/22(금) 이홍경 교수(대구경북과학기술원) " Interface Mechanics in High-Energy Lithium Metal Batteries"
게시글 내용
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

▣ 제  목Interface Mechanics in High-Energy Lithium Metal Batteries

연  사: 이홍경 교수

소  속: 대구경북과학기술원 에너지공학과

일  시: 2024. 3. 22.(Fri) 13:00

장  소: 제2공학관 B040호

▣ 초  록

Building safe and reliable Li-metal batteries (LMBs) has long been desired to exceed the energy density limit of Li-ion batteries. However, Li-dendrite-triggered battery interface dynamics is highly uncontrollable and extremely challenging through conventional cell engineering. This presentation will present some viable approaches to ensure the spatial and temporal uniformity of the Li-electrolyte interfaces across LMBs through the electrolyte designs, separator selection, and tailoring of the original surfaces of starting Li-metal anodes. Before moving on to the main parts, this talk will briefly explain the underlying principles of solid-electrolyte interphase (SEI) buildup in LMB failures under stringent conditions and update the status and worldwide efforts of LMB technology. The main parts will encompass material- and cell-level approaches to achieving internal and external uniformity across LMBs. To regulate the Li+ transport across the electrolytes, I will discuss the Li+ flux redistributing roles of polyolefin battery separators and nanospinbar-assisted dynamic Li+ transfer over the Li-metal surface. After addressing the inherently uneven nature of the native layer of commercial Li, I will propose some strategies to reconstruct the Li-metal surface for reducing the surface reactivity and improving the surface homogeneity through new manufacturing technologies of large-area, ultrathin Li-metal anodes. Preliminaries presented in this talk emphasize the significance of selecting the starting Li-metal anodes, an elemental step in post-treatment, such as electrolyte-bespoke SEI buildup and protective layer coating.

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