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[BK세미나]2/26(월) Song,Mengjie 교수 (Beijing Institute of Technology/ Hanyang University) "Research status and challeng
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▣ 주   제:Research status and challenge of frosting and icing fundamental study

연   사: Song,Meongjie 교수

소   속Beijing Institute of Technology/ Hanyang University

일   시: 2024. 02. 26.(Mon) 14:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D402호

초   청: 이남규 교수

▣ 초   록

The research on frosting and icing involves multiple disciplines, such as refrigeration and air conditioning, civil engineering and construction, mechanical manufacturing, transportation, power transmission, food refrigeration, low-temperature medicine, aerospace, etc. It is a widely influential basic research hotspot in the refrigeration field, and has always received attentions both domestically and internationally. This presentation is given by Prof. SONG who comes from Beijing Institute of Technology, China. It contains four parts, personal introduction, current research status, their research achievements, and future research plan, in total 70 slides. From droplet to ice detection will be introduced in this presentation

20240226_BK21_Prof.Song,Mengjie (이남규 교수님).jpg