- 제목
- [BK세미나]12/28(목) 여운홍 교수(Georgia Tech) " Soft Biomedical Electronics for Human-Machine Interfaces and Advanced Healthcare"
- 작성일
- 2023.12.26
- 작성자
- 기계공학부
- 게시글 내용
기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
▣ 주 제: Soft Biomedical Electronics for Human-Machine Interfaces and Advanced Healthcare
▣ 연 사: 여운홍 교수
▣ 소 속: Georgia Tech
▣ 일 시: 2023. 12. 28.(Thu) 11:00
▣ 장 소: 제1공학관 A542호
▣ 초 청: 류원형 교수
▣ 초 록
In this talk, Dr. Yeo will share the basic scientific study of integrated soft sensors and electronics in both wearable and implantable configurations. He will talk about the limitations of the existing biomedical systems used in continuous health monitoring, persistent human-machine interfaces, and disease diagnosis. A set of new solutions that can tackle these issues will be shared with the details.