- 제목
- [BK세미나]8/16(금)11:00 Ramiro Godoy-Diana 박사(ESPCI Paris) "Flapping wings and undulatory swimming in the laboratory"
- 작성일
- 2024.08.12
- 작성자
- 기계공학부
- 게시글 내용
기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.
▣ 주 제: Flapping wings and undulatory swimming in the laboratory
▣ 연 사: Ramiro Godoy-Diana 박사
▣ 소 속: ESPCI Paris
▣ 일 시: 2024. 8. 16.(금) 11:00
▣ 장 소: 제4공학관 D602호
▣ 초 청: 김원정 교수
▣ 초 록
In the field of animal propulsion in a fluid, be it the swimming of fish or the flight of insects or birds, the problem is driven by an active movement of the structure (e.g. wings, body, or fins) that generates the propulsive force. The structure is thus usually deformable under the action of the flow and strong fluid-structure interactions occur. I will give an overview of two experimental problems that we have studied at ESPCI Paris, aimed at understanding fundamental dynamical elements related to flapping wing propulsion and undulatory swimming: (I) Insect-inspired two-vein flapping wings with anisotropic rigidity; and (II) Waves in the wake of a surface swimming snake.