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Review on the operation of wearable sensors through body heat harvesting based on thermoelectric devices (2021.05.17)
게시글 내용

Review on the operation of wearable sensors through body heat harvesting based on thermoelectric devices

Professor Woochul Kim's team introduced methods of using wearable thermoelectirc devices to power wearable sensors and smart devices and to harvest body heat. Methods such as using a human thermoregulatory model to obtain a high power device design, using various heat dissipation methods to enchance compactness, and combining energy storage devices for operational stability were published in a review in Applied Physics Letter (Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 200501). This work's excellence was acknowlegded and was selected as the Editor's pick and was introduced in an article by AIP Scilight media (DOI:10.1063/10.0005084).

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