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[BK세미나] 5/16(화) 민상기 교수(University of Wisconsin-Madison) "Manufacturing Paradigm Shift: Past, Current, and Future"
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

▣ 주   제: Manufacturing Paradigm Shift: Past, Current, and Future

연   사: 민상기 교수

소   속: University of Wisconsin-Madison, Department of Mechanical Engineering

일   시: 2023. 5. 16.(Tue) 16:00

장   소: 제4공학관 D504호

초   청: 민병권 교수

▣ 초   록

The world factory has continuously moved to the west from England with the initiation of the Industrial Revolution around 1760. Manufacturing technology had evolved and advanced, driven by the urgent need, ‘war’, until 1970’s. But then, its paradigm has been shifted by accumulation of gradual advancement in manufacturing technology, sociocultural shift either technology driven or not, and emerging enablers. This seminar is to learn how manufacturing technology has advanced, consider the concurrent manufacturing paradigm and give a thought on the future of manufacturing strategy.

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