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[대학원 세미나] 10/15(금) Seiji Tsutsum 박사 (JAXA, Japan) "Data-driven/model-based reduced-order model for design and operation"
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

▣ Title: Data-driven/model-based reduced-order model for design and operation of aerospace systems

▣ Speaker: Seiji Tsutsum

▣ Affiliation: JAXA, Japan 

▣ Date: 2021. 10. 15.(Fri) 13:00

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. Won Suk Ohm

▣ Abstract

Reduced-order models based on model-based/data-driven approaches are drawing attention in aerospace development because of the increasing need for frontloading simulation for better design and autonomous operation in spacecraft and test facility. In this talk, four examples of the development and application of the reduced-order models in the Japan Aerospace eXploration Agency (JAXA) are presented; 1) satellite thermal design, 2) spacecraft docking system design, 3) generation of training data for the health management of a reusable rocket engine, 4) autonomous operation of the wind tunnel. Existing challenges for the reduced-order model found through these four studies are discussed.

Zoom: https://yonsei.zoom.us/j/82868958539?pwd=ZVJsQUNkNVBWb1RxMVJxTzFmQnBuQT09 

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