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[대학원 세미나] 5/14(금) 심준형 교수(고려대학교) "Hydrogen Economy : Future Vehicles & Energy Grid"
게시글 내용

기계공학부 구성원들의 많은 관심과 참여 부탁드립니다.

▣ Title: Hydrogen Economy : Future Vehicles & Energy Grid

Speaker: JoonHyung Shim(Professor)

Affiliation: Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, Korea University

▣ Date: 2021. 5. 14.(Fri) 13:00

▣ Venue: Online(Zoom)

▣ Host: Prof. Jongsup Hong

▣ Abstract

There is a growing interest in the hydrogen economy and fuel cells in recent years. This is because of a consensus that economic growth should no longer accelerate global warming and environmental destruction. I will discuss the value of hydrogen as the fuel of the future. And the role of renewable energies such as solar and wind power will be discussed in the context of the hydrogen economy. There is no disagreement that electric vehicles will become the mainstream in future cars. Hydrogen fuel cells will play a core role especially in large-scale transportation. Fuel cells will be widely used in fields other than vehicles. In particular, it will attract great attention as a power supply for buildings and power plants. In the presentation, I will also discuss related technologies and market trends.
